The Buddy System

For this week's reflection on balancing work and your creative endeavors, I wanted to talk about the buddy system.

I am an introverted person and like many of us, COVID made me even more so. I've been trying to break out of that state of mind and be more social in general, but hoo boy is it tough sometimes.

The reason I bring it up is because when I was first making real moves on wanting to become an author, I asked a New York Times bestselling author if he had any recommendations for a writer just starting his career. He told me to "join or form a writers group, and stay in it."

Whether your chosen creative endeavor is writing or painting or cross-stitching, one of the best things we can do to keep us accountable is to join a group of like-minded people.

I've been part of a writers group of folks I met in college for I don't even know how many years now. I can honestly say that I don't think I'd write nearly as much if I didn't have their support. Plus, sometimes when none of us have pages to discuss, we play D&D together. Win win.

Almost any contemporary writer has some form of group they write with to keep them accountable and motivated, but this isn't something unique to writers. There are painters clubs, wood working groups, and many more for just about everything you can think of. With virtual groups becoming more common, you don't even have to stick to local chapters if you find an online community you feel more comfortable with.

I genuinely believe that if you're struggling to find time with your creative endeavor, joining a group that aligns with your goals will make a huge difference. So bake some lemon bars and put yourself out there you artistic gremlins!


Finding the Nuance


The Outlaw Method